The story behind your cup of tea is a fascinating one, for it is infused with art, history and dedication at every stage from hand picking the tender leaves through…
EthicsNothing Whatsoever to do with Tea
The final Axiom : the world according to ‘Wall-E’
by Dilhanby DilhanIt’s a little late I know, but Hollywood takes it’s time coming to Sri Lanka. So when finally taking the kids to a movie about a robot called Wall-E, and…
Amidst the wreckage of the Ministerial Meeting of the WTO in July emerges a new world order in which the wealthy, normally unchallenged Western states see their might checked. The…
EthicsNothing Whatsoever to do with Tea
WTO seven years on. They must be kidding …
by Dilhanby DilhanIt has been a while since Dr. Robert Aboagye-Mensah of the Christian Council of Ghana famously commented, “International trade between my country and the West is like an antelope and…
DilmahEthicsImages of TeaNothing Whatsoever to do with TeaTeaTea TastingUnbelievable Tea Experiences
Is it CSR or just business as usual?
by Dilhanby DilhanThe June 2008 issue of ‘The Director’ Magazine of the IoD, included a well researched feature on the subject of CSR. It was to me, an informative, yet bewildering overview…
Life has become a compromise – in tea, it is a compromise (for most brand owners) between profit and quality, with quality losing out unfortunately. Ultimately though the power to…